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French Character Homes on Television

FCH takes part in CH4 "Escape To The Chateau DIY".

Joanne & Jean-Marc met Julia, Melissa & Sarah, aka The Chateau Sisters and spent two fun days filming for Channel 4 Escape to the Chateau DIY. The footage was aired on 5th March 2019 in Series 2 Episode 12 of this very successful series.

The Chateau Sisters are due to make their second come back appearance on 13th to 17th April 2020.

" Our time on Pau is over and we are heading for Saumur. Our Chateau search has taken us to many different areas of France and we have met some great agents along the way but I must say that Joanne Davey and Jean-Marc Labardacq from French Character Homes in Pau are simply wonderful! They spent 2 days with showing us some wonderful properties and showing us around the region. We cannot recommend them more highly.
#bestagents #frenchcharacterhomes #lovepau #lovefrance #chateauhunting #propertysearchfrance "

@thechateausisters – Instagram Post

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